• Ms Cocoa

    Cocoa Wong 畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系, 主修 大提琴, 師承香港管弦樂團聯合首席大提琴手方曉牧和俄羅斯大提琴家 A r t e m Konstantinov。她獲得英國聖三一音樂學院大提琴及鋼琴演奏文憑 (ATCL)。她熱愛音樂, 從小參與多個樂團的演出,包括 Hong Kong Strings, Pro Arte Orchestra 和香港節慶管弦樂團, 擁有多個演出的經驗。


    除了演奏古典音樂之外,她活躍於流行音樂會擔 任大提琴樂手,包 括 YOSHIKI Classical Special with Orchestra – HONG KONG 丶陳柏宇"The Players" 10週年演唱會丶側田"Chapter Free" 演 唱會2017丶 2 0 1 5 十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會丶糖妹〈大金大家 庭〉演唱會丶許廷鏗Live Music Party丶《我們的哥歌一夜音樂會》丶UBS李克勤演唱會丶賈思樂演唱會等。並與多位名人同台演出包括杜麗莎、賈思樂丶謝安琪丶譚詠麟丶陳柏宇丶X-Japan-Yoshiki丶側田丶李克勤丶鄭敬基 丶許廷鏗丶糖妹丶李逸朗丶等等 。
    她投入音樂教育工作, 現任協恩小學的大提琴導師。她的個人教學影片可在YouTube 觀看 “Ms Cocoa Wong” 及 有關大提琴課程可查閱Facebook 個人專頁 Cocoa Wong -Cellist 大提琴教學 。


    Cocoa Wong graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University. She received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music Studies in the year of 2014, major in cello performance with Fang Xiaomu from the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Russian Cellist Artem Konstantinov . She has obtained the ATCL diploma in both cello and piano.
    Wong has been invited by various orchestra which included the Hong Kong Strings, Pro Arte Orchestra and Hong Kong Festival Orchestra. As a orchestral musician, she has performed in concerts collaborated with many world renowned musician such as Edward Auer, Perry So, Qin Li-Wei, Valentina Lisitsa, Ryu Goto and Huang Mengla.
    Besides classical, Wong has collaborated with different pop artists in various pop concerts which included X-Japan Yoshiki, Alan Tam, Hacken Lee, Jason Chan, Alfred Hui, Kandy Wong and Fai Young Chan.

    Other than music performances, Wong is also very keen on teaching as a music tutor, providing professional music training for young talented musician.


    She is now a cello tutor in Heep Yunn Primary School. Watch her teaching videos in YouTube “Ms Cocoa Wong” and check out her cello lessons in www.facebook.com/cocoa.cellist